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Jemima Davies ‘19

Hometown: Peterborough, England

Majors: Physics & Chemistry

Nickname: “Jem"

Audition Song: “Warwick Avenue”, Duffy

Catchphrase: "rip I can't sing" "can you just take my voice and sell it for 5 pence?" 

Pet Peeve: The patriarchy

Hidden Talent: Hands that shapeshift into claws

Celebrity Crush: "I guess the Genie is kinda fit" 

Favourite Accidentals Memory: Jemima's favorite Accidentals memory was performing in this year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival. She had a blast flyering every day, busking on the mile, performing every night, and essentially having a week long sleepover with her "best pals"!  

About Jemima: Hit her up for a birthday freestyle rap because this girl is going places! Jemima can be found in rehearsal arranging on the spot with her tiny piano app and is now serving as our assistant musical director for 2017/2018. Jemima is the perfect balance of sweet and sassy and is always the life of the party. We love Jemima because she always knows how to make us laugh and has an incredible, unique voice. 

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